Sibling rivalry is a common occurrence among many families. In this article, we will discuss what sibling rivalry is, its causes, symptoms, and how to manage this jealousy.
Sibling jealousy is a common occurrence that families can encounter. However, it is possible to manage these feelings of jealousy through open communication, love, and understanding. Each child has unique needs and emotions, and understanding and supporting them is the foundation for building a healthy family relationship. Remember that every child is special, and a loving family environment can strengthen the bond between siblings.
What is Sibling Jealousy?
Sibling jealousy refers to the feelings of envy and competition that a child may have towards a newly born sibling or another sibling who receives attention from the family. These feelings can make the child feel neglected or unloved.
Causes of Sibling Jealousy
The causes of sibling jealousy can include:
Symptoms of Sibling Jealousy